Benefit from our detailed industry survey

Market Report Serviced Apartments


    Since 2011 Apartmentservice has been publishing the "Serviced Apartments Market Report" annually providing the current trends in the segment. The consulting and market research team regularly conducts extensive operator surveys and market analyses, which have made the market report the standard work of the segment over the years - both for established operators of serviced apartments who want to grow further and for newcomers who are looking to enter the market.

    The data is considered to be almost the only primary data about the segment in terms of its depth and regular collection and is linked to important trend analyses and project data.

    Key figures are examined such as:

    • economic situation and occupancy rates of providers
    • development of length of stay
    • size of the offered and requested accommodation units
    • price development
    • advance booking deadlines, services, handling of housekeeping
    • current distribution of operating types and management models in the segment





    Since 2023, the Market Report has no longer been published as a compact edition, but as part of our digital trade magazine SO!APART insight.
    Behind the paywall, you will continuously find current data on the segment, content that we have previously made available with the Market Report. In addition, you can read interviews with operators, developers and investors as well as analyses and market news throughout the year. Currently, for example, we have summarised the first key figures on the segment in our lead article:

    Access is very easy:
    Please select your desired insight+ subscription from the two offered subscriptions at: and click on the link "Register now and choose subscription".  Payment is processed by credit card via the online payment service Stripe. And you can already enjoy the latest information on the segment.

    Further Publications


    Market Report Serviced Apartment 2023 for Austria, Budapest and Prague available on request